We perform yearly heartworm tests as well. Heartworm disease can be life threatening leading to heart and lung disease. We have seen dogs as young as 3 years old die of congestive heart failure due to heartworms. They are spread by mosquitoes and yes dogs that only live indoors are also susceptible. Prevention is a once a month tablet or chewable treat. They need to get the prevention once a month, every month. The heartworm prevention does require a prescription from your veterinarian. Dogs must be tested before starting prevention due to possible reactions if a positive dog is given prevention. Pet owners must also be aware of purchasing heartworm preventatives from on-line pharmacies. Though you may save few dollars, you will lose the manufacture’s warranty on the product, which will pay for your Veterinary bill if your pet were to become positive.
Cats can also be infected with heartworms. They do not require a test to start prevention but it is a good idea to be checked by a veterinarian before starting prevention. They need to be given prevention once a month also.
We do offer heartworm treatments if your dog does happen to get infected. There are no approved treatments for heartwoms in cats.